Listening in on the brilliance of the Beatles' creative process.
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28 e 29 de Fevereiro na história dos Beatles
1962 Os Beatles tocam no Cavern Club com Gerry and The Pacemaker e The
Searchers. 1963 John e Paul compõem “From Me To You” na van de artistas que
ia de Yo...
Everyone, I want to thank everyone who has visited and commented on this
blog and listened to our podcasts. I want to thank everyone who has
welcomed me in...
Novo audiobook: Paul McCartney In His Own Words
Um curioso lançamento está sendo anunciado pela rádio BBc: um audiobook
narrado por Paul McCartney.Em entrevistas que vão de 1968 a 2009, Paul
McCartney fa...
Paul McCartney & Ringo Starr 1964
Paul McCartney and Ringo Starr taken on board a train between New York and
Washington on 11th February 1964, by Leslie Bryce
The blog has moved!
Hi all,
due to the fact that Facebook didn't like our url since it starts with wog,
we have moved the blog. This was some time ago, and we have placed a scr...
Live: ABC Cinema, Plymouth
On November 13th 1963, during The Beatles' UK Tour, the band played the ABC
Cinema in Plymouth. Below is a selection of photos from their performance
Efemérides Beatles
Todas las efemérides sobre los Beatles, John Lennon, Paul McCartney,
George Harrison y Ringo Starr. Día por día, todo lo que hicieron en sus
vidas. Su mús...
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