Thursday, October 5, 2017

Act Two Scene One: Rolls 14-A + 50-B + 51-B

Paul:Emma, Seccy, Meggie Seccy, Emma, Emma Seccy... Emma Seccy Megga, unintelligible in the ballrooms... Imagine. Emma, Seccy, busy, busy, busy... you can see him on telly then. Ob La Di..Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha... Ring, Ring"
The fantastic and strange morning warm up show continues with the band's tour de force performance. It includes an incredible warm up three movement improvisation, additional improvisations which are quite bizarre and hilarious, several oldies but goldies”,  and comedy covers of their own and other peoples songs.    

This is one of the delightfully weird Beatles warm-ups of all-time.

  Click to listen
Press to Play Rolls 14-A + 50-B + 51-B

Click to read the Listener's Guide - Rolls 14-A + 50-B + 51-B


Sebastián Mora said...

On Negro in Reserve, it is clearly Paul, not George, who joins in: In the heart you left behind ... In the house You left behind you

Benjamin Levi-Marks said...

You are correct. THANK YOU so much for alerting me to this faux pas. I updated the Listener's Guide.